Debate : First speaker FACEBOOK brings more harm than good

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Motion : THBT FACEBOOK brings more harm than good

            The increasing of technology, make we more easier to get any information.  Facebook is social networking that can make all people know each other, make we have much friend in the world.  But develop of using facebook brings more harm than good.  For example, facebook using by students, caused many student lost their time to study, but for playing facebook, than, the students become lazy, the students not understand the lessons, because students nt concentrated in lessons, after that, they are unable to do examination well, finally.... the educational rate in Indonesia was decrease.  This impact is dangerous for government in Indonesia.
            In the fact, facebook also cause many crimes, for example, kidnaping, this crimes beginninng by facebook,first, the wicked asked victims to know, than they will be related, next, the wicked ask victims or inviting victims to meet him, afterthat, kidnapping be held,,, after the victim kidnapped, the family of victim notifyed this crime to police, the police was difficult when searching the wicked, because identifity of the wicked isn’t clear, or counterfeit.  Finally the victim is difficult to find, or we can’t fint the victims.
            Than, second cryme is deceivement that be held in cyber world. This cyber crime is many kind type of deceivement.  For example, many tadding that offers in facebook,, so, that facebook filled advertisement with diverse offering that interest it users like the prices are cheaper than other marketing, it makes many users interest the advertisement offers, but, actually the case is offering by advertisement is imitations thing.  Than,  second deceivement is ussually, the payment with transfered and god sent after the payment transfered, this situation will bring harm, because, may when the payment transfered, good never come or deceivement was be held...
            We believe that, any crimes and cyber crimes caused by facebook, because facebook can triggered many user do deviation and crimes.
            Proofed with much crimes and deviation that beginnig by facebook,so, because of the reasons, we can conclude that  FACEBOOK BRINGS MORE HARM THAN GOOD.


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