
Course : Ulumul Quran
Lecturer : Assyahabuddin, S.Ag, SS.,
Created by:
Cahyaningsih Utami 1423301005
Praise Allah, upon the grace and the gift we could finish our paper. We hope we made paper can be useful for many audiences. In the paper we discuss the utilization of waste into useful items. In this paper, we study about the "absurd."
Our thanks are extended to all those who have helped the completion of this paper, may god good record as charity Aamiin
paper we realized that we made a lot of mistakes, therefore, criticism and suggestions so we expect for the future development of this paper
Praise Allah, upon the grace and the gift we could finish our paper. We hope we made paper can be useful for many audiences. In the paper we discuss the utilization of waste into useful items. In this paper, we study about the "absurd."
Our thanks are extended to all those who have helped the completion of this paper, may god good record as charity Aamiin
paper we realized that we made a lot of mistakes, therefore, criticism and suggestions so we expect for the future development of this paper
24 November 2014
The presence of the Qur'an from the minutes of the Prophet's mission is always to invite the
attention of various parties
to conduct the
study. Aspects of the study
continues to grow both from a scientific and non-scientific aspects. This is probably
due to the miracle of the Qur'an. Miracle of the
Qur'an as never dried sea water to be drawn. He then
gives inspiration to people endlessly.
Studies which appear as: asbab al-nuzul, absurd, al-muhkam wa al-mutasyabih, al-qira'at, tartib al-verse wa al-suwar and al-tafsir bi al-ma'tsur wa al-ma 'qul. Thorough study of these things have been put forward by the classical and contemporary scholars in the fields of ulum al-Qur'an.
Al-sayuthi mention some people who have written about the absurd, namely:
1. Abu Ja'far ibn Zubayr in his book al-Burhan fi absurd tartib Suwar Qur'an.
2. Sheikh Burhanuddin in his book al-Durar Nazham fi Tanasub al-Ayi wa al-Suwar.
3. Al-Assar sayuthi wrote in his book al-Tanzil.
Studies which appear as: asbab al-nuzul, absurd, al-muhkam wa al-mutasyabih, al-qira'at, tartib al-verse wa al-suwar and al-tafsir bi al-ma'tsur wa al-ma 'qul. Thorough study of these things have been put forward by the classical and contemporary scholars in the fields of ulum al-Qur'an.
Al-sayuthi mention some people who have written about the absurd, namely:
1. Abu Ja'far ibn Zubayr in his book al-Burhan fi absurd tartib Suwar Qur'an.
2. Sheikh Burhanuddin in his book al-Durar Nazham fi Tanasub al-Ayi wa al-Suwar.
3. Al-Assar sayuthi wrote in his book al-Tanzil.
What is the definition of munasabah ?
How about norms in Munasabah?
How explain
about munasabah?
Understanding ,Norms, and Various kinds.
Absurd etymologically means compatibility, suitability or appropriateness. Manna 'al-Qathan say that absurd in terms of language means closeness (al-Muqarrabah). For example, if it says "the absurd with the Pulan A", meaning the A approach and resembles the Pulan it. Among this sense includes absurd, 'illat law in qiyas that is the logical rules that underlie a law that can connect between the two cases. Illustration of a more concrete example, "intoxicating" is' illat absurd "that causing Prohibition" wine ". If intoxicant was found in beverages other than 'wine', then the same legal drink with 'wine' that is unclean.
Absurd etymologically means compatibility, suitability or appropriateness. Manna 'al-Qathan say that absurd in terms of language means closeness (al-Muqarrabah). For example, if it says "the absurd with the Pulan A", meaning the A approach and resembles the Pulan it. Among this sense includes absurd, 'illat law in qiyas that is the logical rules that underlie a law that can connect between the two cases. Illustration of a more concrete example, "intoxicating" is' illat absurd "that causing Prohibition" wine ". If intoxicant was found in beverages other than 'wine', then the same legal drink with 'wine' that is unclean.
Can be
interpreted in terms absurd aspects of the relationship between a sentence with
another sentence in a paragraph, between one verse with another verse in many
verses, or between one chapter to another chapter, the opening chapters with
closing and beyond. M. Quraish Shihab gave absurd as the notion that there are
similarities in certain things in the Koran, sura good or verses that connects
description of one paragraph to another. Al-Biqa'i explain that science absurd
Qur'an is a science that knows the reasons that led to the arrangement or the
order of the parts of the Koran, well verse with verse or chapter by chapter.
Thus the absurd discussion is the range of all kinds of relationships exist:
such general or special relationship, rational and sensual or imaginative,
causality, 'illat and ma'lul, contradiction, and so on.
Than the norms
of Munasabah is
Taking into account the content of which
is discussed in the sentence, paragraph, and a letter
of the Qur'an.
Pay attention to the description and objectives
discussed in the sentence, paragraph, and a letter
of the Qur'an
Pay attention to sentences, paragraphs,
and other related letters, both in terms of its content as well as from
the aspect of his discussion.
Pay attention to the order of a sentence,
paragraph, and a letter written in the Qur'an.
Based to some
understanding as pointed out above, in principle absurd Qur'an includes
relationships between sentences, between paragraphs, and between chapters.
Various kinds of such relationships if specified will be as follows:
1. Absurd between chapters with chapters.
2. Absurd between sura name with contents.
3. Absurd between sentences in a paragraph.
4. Absurd between verse by verse in the chapter.
5. Absurd between the paragraph with the content of the verse itself.
6. Absurd between chapters describing the final chapter description.
7. Absurd between the end of the next chapter in the early chapters.
8. Absurd between paragraphs on a single theme.
In an effort to understand more about the aspects of the absurd that has been described above will be asked a few examples below.
1. Absurd between chapters with chapters.
2. Absurd between sura name with contents.
3. Absurd between sentences in a paragraph.
4. Absurd between verse by verse in the chapter.
5. Absurd between the paragraph with the content of the verse itself.
6. Absurd between chapters describing the final chapter description.
7. Absurd between the end of the next chapter in the early chapters.
8. Absurd between paragraphs on a single theme.
In an effort to understand more about the aspects of the absurd that has been described above will be asked a few examples below.
1. Absurd
Between Surah With Sura.
Harmonious relationship between chapters or absurd is essentially shows the close relationship of a sura with other chapters.
Absurd shapes reflected in each sura, apparently showing unity theme. One of them contains a central theme, while the other letters that spell out the following sub-themes details, either generally or partially. One example that can be asked here is absurd that can be drawn in three successive chapters, each Sura al-Fatiha (1), Surah al-Baqarah (2), and Surah Al-Imran (3).
One chapter serves to explain the previous chapters, for example, in Surah al-Fatihah / 1: 6 says:
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم.
"Guide us to the straight path".
Then described in Surah al-Baqarah, that the straight path is to follow the instructions of the Qur'an, as mentioned:
ذلك الكتاب لاريب فيه هدى للمتقين.
"Book (Qur'an) there is no doubt in it, the instructions for those who fear Allah". (Q.S Al-Baqarah / 2: 2).
Harmonious relationship between chapters or absurd is essentially shows the close relationship of a sura with other chapters.
Absurd shapes reflected in each sura, apparently showing unity theme. One of them contains a central theme, while the other letters that spell out the following sub-themes details, either generally or partially. One example that can be asked here is absurd that can be drawn in three successive chapters, each Sura al-Fatiha (1), Surah al-Baqarah (2), and Surah Al-Imran (3).
One chapter serves to explain the previous chapters, for example, in Surah al-Fatihah / 1: 6 says:
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم.
"Guide us to the straight path".
Then described in Surah al-Baqarah, that the straight path is to follow the instructions of the Qur'an, as mentioned:
ذلك الكتاب لاريب فيه هدى للمتقين.
"Book (Qur'an) there is no doubt in it, the instructions for those who fear Allah". (Q.S Al-Baqarah / 2: 2).
2. Absurd Between Name Surah
With Content contents.
Name a sura is essentially tawqifi. However, some evidence suggests that a sura sometimes have one name and sometimes two or more names. There seems to be the secret behind the name. Commentators pointed out by al-Sayuthi see a connection between the names of the chapters with the contents or description contained in a chapter. The link between the name of the contents of this chapter can be in indentifikasikan as follows:
a. The name is taken from the urgency of the contents and position of the sura. Surah al-Fatihah name called Umm al-Kitab as urgency and called the al-Fatiha for his position.
b. The name is taken from the parable, event, story or a prominent role, which dipparkan on a series of verses; while in the parable, event, story or role that is loaded with ideas. Here can be called names sura: al-'Ankabut, al-Fath, al-Fil, al-Lahab and so on.
c. Name as a reflection of the main content, for example al-sincere as it contains the main idea of the most profound faith and resignation; al-Mulk contains the main idea the nature of power and so on.
Name a sura is essentially tawqifi. However, some evidence suggests that a sura sometimes have one name and sometimes two or more names. There seems to be the secret behind the name. Commentators pointed out by al-Sayuthi see a connection between the names of the chapters with the contents or description contained in a chapter. The link between the name of the contents of this chapter can be in indentifikasikan as follows:
a. The name is taken from the urgency of the contents and position of the sura. Surah al-Fatihah name called Umm al-Kitab as urgency and called the al-Fatiha for his position.
b. The name is taken from the parable, event, story or a prominent role, which dipparkan on a series of verses; while in the parable, event, story or role that is loaded with ideas. Here can be called names sura: al-'Ankabut, al-Fath, al-Fil, al-Lahab and so on.
c. Name as a reflection of the main content, for example al-sincere as it contains the main idea of the most profound faith and resignation; al-Mulk contains the main idea the nature of power and so on.
d. The name is
taken from a specific theme to be used as a reference for other verses are
scattered in various chapters. Examples of al-Hajj (the pilgrimage specific
theme), al-Nisa (with a specific theme on the livelihood of the household).
Nisa word which means women are the epitome of domestic harmony.
e. The name is taken from certain letters are located at the beginnings of chapters, as well as to demand special attention to passages in it that uses the letters. For example: Taha Yasin, Shad and Qaf.
e. The name is taken from certain letters are located at the beginnings of chapters, as well as to demand special attention to passages in it that uses the letters. For example: Taha Yasin, Shad and Qaf.
3. Absurd Between The Other
Sentence In One Paragraph.
Absurd from one sentence to another sentence in the paragraph can be viewed from two aspects. First direct link between sentences in concrete which if lost or interrupted one sentence paragraph may corrupt the content. Identification of the absurd in this type of exhibit ta'kid / Shadda (amplifier / affirmation) and interpretation / I'tiradh (interfretasi / explanation and description). Ta'kid simple example:
"فإن لم تفعلوا", followed by "ولن تفعلوا" (Surah al-Baqarah / 2: 24).
Example commentary:
سبحان الذى اسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام الى المسجد الأقصى
Followed by
الذى باركنا حوله لنريه من اياتنا (الإسراء / 17: 1).
Both of each sentence stands alone, there is an indirect relationship but concretely, sometimes there is a liaison letter 'athaf' and sometimes no. In this context, munasabahnya located at:
Absurd from one sentence to another sentence in the paragraph can be viewed from two aspects. First direct link between sentences in concrete which if lost or interrupted one sentence paragraph may corrupt the content. Identification of the absurd in this type of exhibit ta'kid / Shadda (amplifier / affirmation) and interpretation / I'tiradh (interfretasi / explanation and description). Ta'kid simple example:
"فإن لم تفعلوا", followed by "ولن تفعلوا" (Surah al-Baqarah / 2: 24).
Example commentary:
سبحان الذى اسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام الى المسجد الأقصى
Followed by
الذى باركنا حوله لنريه من اياتنا (الإسراء / 17: 1).
Both of each sentence stands alone, there is an indirect relationship but concretely, sometimes there is a liaison letter 'athaf' and sometimes no. In this context, munasabahnya located at:
a. The
composition of the sentences in the form of a series of questions, commands or
prohibitions that can not be terminated by fashilah.
One example:
ولئن سألتهم من خلق السماوات والأرض ليقولون الله __ __ قل الحمد لله (لقمان: 25).
b. Shaped absurd istishrad (further explanation). example:
يسألونك عن الأهلة قل هى ___ ___ (البقرة / 2: 189).
c. Shaped absurd Nazhir / matsil (proportional relationship) or mudhaddah / ta'kis (relationship contradiction). example:
ليس البر أن تولوا وجوهكم قبل المشرق والمغرب ___ ولكن البر ... (البقرة / 2: 177).
One example:
ولئن سألتهم من خلق السماوات والأرض ليقولون الله __ __ قل الحمد لله (لقمان: 25).
b. Shaped absurd istishrad (further explanation). example:
يسألونك عن الأهلة قل هى ___ ___ (البقرة / 2: 189).
c. Shaped absurd Nazhir / matsil (proportional relationship) or mudhaddah / ta'kis (relationship contradiction). example:
ليس البر أن تولوا وجوهكم قبل المشرق والمغرب ___ ولكن البر ... (البقرة / 2: 177).
4. Verse By Verse Between
absurd In One chapter.
To see this kind of absurd to note that this is registered in a flat view that although the number of verses of the surah spread, but in essence all the verses are arranged in an orderly manner with a solid bond to form the mind as well as the fabric of systematic information. To cite an example, the verses at the beginning of Surah al-Baqarah 1-20 provide systematic information about belief, disbelief and hypocrisy. To identify the three typologies of faith, pagan and nifaq, can be withdrawn relationship of these verses.
For example Surah al-Muminun begins with:
قد أفلح المؤمنون "Successful indeed are the believers".
Then the final section of this chapter is found the sentence:
انه لا يفلح الكافرون.
"Verily, those who disbelieve it is not lucky."
To see this kind of absurd to note that this is registered in a flat view that although the number of verses of the surah spread, but in essence all the verses are arranged in an orderly manner with a solid bond to form the mind as well as the fabric of systematic information. To cite an example, the verses at the beginning of Surah al-Baqarah 1-20 provide systematic information about belief, disbelief and hypocrisy. To identify the three typologies of faith, pagan and nifaq, can be withdrawn relationship of these verses.
For example Surah al-Muminun begins with:
قد أفلح المؤمنون "Successful indeed are the believers".
Then the final section of this chapter is found the sentence:
انه لا يفلح الكافرون.
"Verily, those who disbelieve it is not lucky."
5. Absurd
Between Cover Verse By Verse Fill Itself.
Absurd in this section, Imam al-Sayuthi mentions four forms, namely al-Tamkin (confirming the contents of the verse), al-Tashdir (give a paragraph on the back of the content of the source), al-Tawsyih (sharpen the relevance of the meaning) and al-Ighal (additional explanations) .
For example:
فتبارك الله احسن الخالقين confirmed ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة even strengthen relations with the two previous paragraphs (al-Mukminun: 12-14). Sentences: لقوم يتفكرون, لقوم يعقلون, لقوم يفقهون always be the contents of paragraph backrest. The word "Halim" is closely related to 'worship, while "Rashid" strong relationship with al-Amwal like the sound of verse Surah Hud: 87 the following:
Absurd in this section, Imam al-Sayuthi mentions four forms, namely al-Tamkin (confirming the contents of the verse), al-Tashdir (give a paragraph on the back of the content of the source), al-Tawsyih (sharpen the relevance of the meaning) and al-Ighal (additional explanations) .
For example:
فتبارك الله احسن الخالقين confirmed ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة even strengthen relations with the two previous paragraphs (al-Mukminun: 12-14). Sentences: لقوم يتفكرون, لقوم يعقلون, لقوم يفقهون always be the contents of paragraph backrest. The word "Halim" is closely related to 'worship, while "Rashid" strong relationship with al-Amwal like the sound of verse Surah Hud: 87 the following:
قالوا يا شعيب
أصلاتك تأمرك أن نترك ما يعبد اباؤنا أو أن نفعل فى أموالنا مانشاؤا إنك لأنت
الحليم الرشيد While al-Ighal forms can
be found in Surah al-Naml (27): 80:
انك لاتسمع الموتى ولاتسمع الصم الدعاء إذا ولوا مد برين
The word "Wallaw" which means 'when they turn' serves as an explanation of the meaning of (the deaf).
انك لاتسمع الموتى ولاتسمع الصم الدعاء إذا ولوا مد برين
The word "Wallaw" which means 'when they turn' serves as an explanation of the meaning of (the deaf).
6. Absurd Between Beginning With
the End Description Description Surah Surah.
One secret miracle of the Qur'an is the harmony
and the close relationship between the initial description
of a letter by the end of the description.
For example, put forward by al-Zamakhsyari
likewise al-Kirmani
that Sura al-Muminun begins with "قد افلح المؤمنون"
(God respect to
the believers) and ends with "انه لايفلح الكافرين"
(God did not
put respect to
the Gentiles). In Surat al-Qasas, al-Sayuthi see the
absurd between talks
about the struggle of Moses with Pharaoh as
illustrated in the beginning chapters
of the Prophet Muhammad who face the pressure
of his people as illustrated in the
situation faced by
As Moses and
Muhammad, as well as collateral God that
they will gain
7. Absurd Between Cover Letter
With Early chapter
Next chapter.
For example, the end of surah al-Waqi'ah / 96:
فسبح باسم ربك العظيم
"So glorify the (call) the name of your Lord, the Most Great".
Then the next chapter, ie Surah al-Hadid / 57, paragraph 1:
سبح الله مافى السموات والأرض وهو العزيز الحكيم
"All that is in the heavens and in the earth glorifies Allah (declare the greatness of Allah). And He is powerful over everything ".
For example, the end of surah al-Waqi'ah / 96:
فسبح باسم ربك العظيم
"So glorify the (call) the name of your Lord, the Most Great".
Then the next chapter, ie Surah al-Hadid / 57, paragraph 1:
سبح الله مافى السموات والأرض وهو العزيز الحكيم
"All that is in the heavens and in the earth glorifies Allah (declare the greatness of Allah). And He is powerful over everything ".
8. Absurd Inter-Verse On The Scene.
Absurd between verses on this theme, as described by al-Sayuthi, first pioneered by al-Kisa'i and al-Sakhawi. While al-Kirmani using the methodology discussed mutasyabih absurd in the Qur'an with his work entitled al-Burhan fi Mutasyabih Qur'an. The work is judged best are Durrah al-Tanzil wa al-Ta'wil Gharrat by Abu 'Abd Allah al-Razi and Malak al-Ta'wil by Abu Ja'far Ibn al-Zubayr.
Absurd between verses on this theme, as described by al-Sayuthi, first pioneered by al-Kisa'i and al-Sakhawi. While al-Kirmani using the methodology discussed mutasyabih absurd in the Qur'an with his work entitled al-Burhan fi Mutasyabih Qur'an. The work is judged best are Durrah al-Tanzil wa al-Ta'wil Gharrat by Abu 'Abd Allah al-Razi and Malak al-Ta'wil by Abu Ja'far Ibn al-Zubayr.
This absurd as an example can be given on
the theme qiwamah (upholding a leadership).
At least two verses that are bermunasabah, ie Surah
al-Nisa (4):
الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض و بما أنفقوا من أموالهم.
And Q.S al-Mujadalah (58): 11:
يرفع الله الذين امنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات والله بما تعملون خبير.
Upholding qiwamah (partial context qiwamat al-Rijal 'ala al-Nisa) closely related to factors science / technology and economic factors. Surah al-Nisa pointing keyword "Milky Fadhdhala" and "al-Ilm". Between the "Milky fadhdhala" with "yarfa '" meaning there are linkages and harmony in the keyword value arising from factors' Ilm.
Absurd Koran known based on ijtihad, not through the guidance of the Prophet (tawqifi). Everyone can be the connection between the various things in the book of the Koran.
الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض و بما أنفقوا من أموالهم.
And Q.S al-Mujadalah (58): 11:
يرفع الله الذين امنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات والله بما تعملون خبير.
Upholding qiwamah (partial context qiwamat al-Rijal 'ala al-Nisa) closely related to factors science / technology and economic factors. Surah al-Nisa pointing keyword "Milky Fadhdhala" and "al-Ilm". Between the "Milky fadhdhala" with "yarfa '" meaning there are linkages and harmony in the keyword value arising from factors' Ilm.
Absurd Koran known based on ijtihad, not through the guidance of the Prophet (tawqifi). Everyone can be the connection between the various things in the book of the Koran.
B. Urgency And
Usefulness Study absurd.
Regarding the relationship between a verse / chapter with verse / other chapters (before / after), it is not as important as knowing the causes Nuzulul paragraph. Because knowing the relationship between the verses and chapters, it can also help us understand exactly passages and verses in question. Science Koran regarding this problem is called:
علم تناس الايات والسور
Science can be ordered to replace the Science Asbab al-nuzul, if we can not know because the decline of a paragraph, but we can be aware of the relevance of the verse with otherverses. So among scholars have problems: where the precedence between knowing the causes of the decline in verse by knowing the relationship between the verse with other verses. A cleric named Burhanuddin al-Biqa'i compilation of the book which is very valuable in this science, which is named:
Regarding the relationship between a verse / chapter with verse / other chapters (before / after), it is not as important as knowing the causes Nuzulul paragraph. Because knowing the relationship between the verses and chapters, it can also help us understand exactly passages and verses in question. Science Koran regarding this problem is called:
علم تناس الايات والسور
Science can be ordered to replace the Science Asbab al-nuzul, if we can not know because the decline of a paragraph, but we can be aware of the relevance of the verse with otherverses. So among scholars have problems: where the precedence between knowing the causes of the decline in verse by knowing the relationship between the verse with other verses. A cleric named Burhanuddin al-Biqa'i compilation of the book which is very valuable in this science, which is named:
نظم الدرر فى
تناس الايات والسور
There are several opinions among scholars about: علم تناس الايات والسور this. Some argue, that each verse / chapter always relevant to the verse / other chapters. Those that argue, that the relationship was not always there just does most of the verses and surahs nothing to do with each other. In addition, there is an opinion, that is looking for a relationship between a verse with another verse, but it was difficult to find the relationship between the chapters with the other chapters.
A section of the Islamic scholars have argued, that the verses of the Qur'an were to one another has nothing to do. But a party from among the Islamic scholars have argued, that the verses of the Qur'an were to each other nothing to do.
There are several opinions among scholars about: علم تناس الايات والسور this. Some argue, that each verse / chapter always relevant to the verse / other chapters. Those that argue, that the relationship was not always there just does most of the verses and surahs nothing to do with each other. In addition, there is an opinion, that is looking for a relationship between a verse with another verse, but it was difficult to find the relationship between the chapters with the other chapters.
A section of the Islamic scholars have argued, that the verses of the Qur'an were to one another has nothing to do. But a party from among the Islamic scholars have argued, that the verses of the Qur'an were to each other nothing to do.
The first group
reasoned: therefore the verses of the Qur'an were in sura-surahnya not made
berbab-chapter and berpasal-section and on it seems it is irregular, sometimes
even found a verse that contains commands with one another verse contains the
ban, which has been interspersed among other verses that contains qisshah, it
is not possible so the verses to each other nothing to do. Furthermore, he also
said by them: "That the actions of people who unite one verse with another
verse, it is an act of self-incriminating".
The second group reasoned: therefore the location of each verse and chapter of the Qur'an was from since lowered already regulated and disciplined by God and the Prophet, stay ordered by the author at the time of the verses were revealed about the location and place of each -tiap verses and chapters, then surely such leadership it means, that every verse in the Qur'an that no relation to each other. Furthermore, by they said: "That even though the birth of the verses of the Qur'an were irregular and unstructured, but in essence very organized and neat".
The second group reasoned: therefore the location of each verse and chapter of the Qur'an was from since lowered already regulated and disciplined by God and the Prophet, stay ordered by the author at the time of the verses were revealed about the location and place of each -tiap verses and chapters, then surely such leadership it means, that every verse in the Qur'an that no relation to each other. Furthermore, by they said: "That even though the birth of the verses of the Qur'an were irregular and unstructured, but in essence very organized and neat".
Both think it's good we think together, since both
are of the ideas of their own. Just our
opinion and the opinion, that the most likely written
verses in each
sura of the Qur'an it has to do with one another
Given the importance of this knowledge, we feel it is necessary to add the following explanations:
1. Abu Bakr al-Naisabury (died 324 H) is a scholar who first introduced: علم تناس الايات والسور in Baghdad, Iraq. He denounced / criticize scholars of Baghdad, because they do not know any relevance between the verses and between the letters. He always said (when read to them a paragraph or a letter):
لم جعلت هذه الاية الى جنب هذه السورة
وما الحكمة فى جعل هذه
Meaning: "Why this paragraph made (placed) near the passage? And what a lesson made / put this chapter close to that letter? "
1. Abu Bakr al-Naisabury (died 324 H) is a scholar who first introduced: علم تناس الايات والسور in Baghdad, Iraq. He denounced / criticize scholars of Baghdad, because they do not know any relevance between the verses and between the letters. He always said (when read to them a paragraph or a letter):
لم جعلت هذه الاية الى جنب هذه السورة
وما الحكمة فى جعل هذه
Meaning: "Why this paragraph made (placed) near the passage? And what a lesson made / put this chapter close to that letter? "
2. Muhammad
'Izah Daruzah stated, that the original people think there is a relationship
between one verse / chapter with verse / other chapters. But in fact it turns
out, that most of the verses and surahs that there is a relationship between
one another.
For clarity we get some examples of verses that had to do with one another, is Surah al-Fath, no relation to the previous chapter (surah al-qital / Muhammad) and also the subsequent chapter (al-Hujarat).
For clarity we get some examples of verses that had to do with one another, is Surah al-Fath, no relation to the previous chapter (surah al-qital / Muhammad) and also the subsequent chapter (al-Hujarat).
Assessing absurd Koran can be considered important, because it will be obtained avail gain a more complete understanding of the text of the Qur'an. Because the issue of absurd included in the category of ijtihad, the maxims also be ijtihadi. But in general they agreed that the principle of Science and Linguistics Mantiq absolutely necessary. Thus philosophical analysis and the analysis of language to be important in research methodology absurd Qur'an. Absurd Qur'an thus can also be one of the branches of Sciences of the Qur'an are of strategic importance. This absurd science as well be a device that complements the methodology of understanding of the comprehensive Qur'an.
About this the scholars who are experts Linguistics Arabic and the Qur'an does not amount less that have been peeled and explain. And Sheikh Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida Said Muhammad commentary in the book "Al-Manar" does little to explain about the relationship verse with other verses in menafsiri and peeling verses ditafsiri.
References :
Ulumul Quran ,
Dr. Naqiyah Mukhtar, M.Ag.
Ulumul Quran,
Prof. Dr. Rosihon Anwar, M.Ag.
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